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NEW! Superstar Sewing Stitches
NEW! Classy Textured Cape
NEW! Baby Bath Wrap
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Sew a Swimsuit
Machine Embroidered Garments
Kimono Blouses
Custom Covered Hangers
Sewing Beautiful Belts
Felted Flower Hat Trim
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Learn about Couching accessories!
Turn a Pashmina into a Trendy Topper
Machine Embroidered Reverse Applique
Machine Embroidered Knit Dress
Use Non-Stick Foot to sew a Custom Luggage Tag
Serge & Sew Broomstick Skirt
Machine Embroidered Western Jacket
Machine Embroidered Bobbin Work Pashmina
Embroidered Pajamas
Sewing Pearls and Sequins
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Quilted Pinwheel Patchwork Tote
Machine Embroidered Lace for Lingerie
Sewing Circles with a Circular Attachment
Sew with the Edge Joining Foot
Re-style Tops for Little Girls
Short Style Tip- Blouse Embellishment
Learn how to make pretty piping using the Piping Foot
Embellish with the Three Slot Cording Foot
Facebook Live Interview 12-4-2018
Machine Embroidery - Starter Tips
FREE Tutorials and Tip Sheets
New! Sew with Your Feet_Resources
New Project! Chic Triangle Scarf
New! Embroidered Sachet Envelope Project
Denim Re-design Hanging Organizer
Sewing a Cargo Pocket
NEW! Interfacings for Embroidery Tip Sheet
Making Kitchen Towels & FREE Cornucopia Applique Design
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Tip sheet - 5 Reasons Quilters Need A Serger
Free In-the-Hoop Patch Pocket Design
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FREE Project-Embroidered Gift Tag with Gift Bag
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Embelishment Tips from dime V.111
Tip sheet - Shannon Embrace Double Gauze
Tip sheet - Fun with Fonts
Fabric Tip Sheet- Sewing Faux Suede
Tip sheet for Sewing & Embroidering with Metallic Thread
Fleece Ruana Pattern: As seen on PBS It's Sew Easy TV
Fabric Tip Sheet - Crepe Back Satin
Fabric Tip Sheet-Sewing Slinky Type Knit
Fabric Tip Sheet - Fleece
Fancy Footwork Tipsheet - About the Walking Foot
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Fancy Footwork Tip sheet - Ruffler Attachment
Fancy Footwork Tip Sheet - Narrow Hems with a Standard Foot
Fancy Footwork Tip Sheet - Non Stick Foot
Tip sheet - Machine Embroidery Pattern Connection Resources
Tutorial_Embroidered Greeting Card Project
Tip Sheet - Machine Set up for Shirring
Tip sheet - Snowman and Target Markers
Tip Sheet for Printing on Fabric
Tip sheet-Five Ways to Finish Fleece Blankets
T-Shirt Transformation Tutorial
Project- Serge a Little Girl's Sweet Summer Dress
Tip Sheet for Fleece Frame Shape Appliqué
Tip Sheet - Bobbin Work Sewing & Embroidery
Tip Sheet - Custom Covered Buttons
Tip Sheet - Liquid Stabilizers
Tip sheet - Appliqué with Brother XV8500D & ScanNCut
Project - Sheer Chiffon Wrap
Project - Pearl Trimmed Candle Ring
Tip Sheet -Mitered Satin Blanket Binding
Fabric Tip Sheet_Knit Know How
Tool School Tip Sheets
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As seen in DiME Magazine - Photo Gallery
Sewing and Embroidery Events
My Sewing Story
with Joanne Banko
button all the way at the bottom when you are finished.
Letsgosew survey
Question 1 - How would you describe your embroidery skill level right now?
I am a bare bones beginner.
I am not really a beginner but not quite intermediate either.
I have intermediate skills.
I have advanced skills.
I am not sure what my skill level is right now.
I don't own an embroidery machine right now but I hope to get one in the future.
Getting an embroidery machine is a low priority for me right now.
Question 2 - What is the largest hoop you have for your embroidery machine? Note that sizes are approximate and vary slightly with different brands.
4-inches X 4-inches
5-inches X 7-inches
6-inches X 10-inches
8-inches X 12-inches
9.5-inches X 14-inches
Larger than ALL of the above.
I don't know my largest hoop size.
Question 3 - What do you like to embroider the MOST? Please check the box that best describes your favorites.
MOSTLY GARMENTS but some other items from time to time.
MOSTLY QUILT PROJECTS but some other items from time to time.
MOSTLY HOME DECOR PROJECTS but some other items from time time.
MOSTLY CRAFT TYPE PROJECTS such as in-the-hoop projects, tote bags, etc.
OTHER - I ONLY embroider the following, (please specify in the comment box).
Question 4 - What would help you make machine embroidery better, easier, or more fun? Check if this applies.
I am always looking for new ideas and inspiration so I can use my embroidery machine to the fullest.
Check if this applies.
I could use help creating projects that are beyond basic and want to create more impressive, detailed projects.
Check if this applies.
I could use help selecting the right needles and threads for my embroidery projects.
Check if this applies.
I could use help understanding different stabilizers.
Check if this applies.
I could use help picking the right fabrics for my embroidery projects.
Check if this applies
I could use help with my sewing skills so I can embroider garments made from scratch.
Check if this applies.
I could use help with my quilting skills so I could embroider quilts made from scratch.
Check if this applies.
I am very confident in my embroidery skills but I still like to learn new techniques.
Anything else?
Other - Please specify in the comment box.
Question 5 - What are some of your most common problems with machine embroidery? Check if this applies.
I can't decide what designs will work best on my fabric.
Check if this applies.
I seem to get a lot of puckering when I embroider.
Check if this applies.
I have trouble choosing thread colors that are different from the original embroidery design.
Check if this applies.
I have trouble hooping ready-made garments.
Check if this applies.
A lot of designs I want to use won't fit in my largest hoop so I can't use them on my machine.
Check if this applies.
I don't understand how my machine works so I can't embroider as much as I would like to.
Check if this applies.
My time is limited and most projects take too long to complete.
Check if this applies.
My embroidery is pretty trouble-free. I Don't have very many problems.
Anything else?
Other - Please specify in the comment box.