Even if you're not into costumes, learning how to use boning may come in handy one day. This technique is popular for strapless dresses like wedding and special occasion gowns.
Boning is the key element for a corset. Dritz Notions has a whole variety of different types you can choose from HERE. Watch as Cheryl shows more than one way to sew boning. She also shows various Tools for setting grommets. Dritz Notions has many different grommet options. You can begin your search HERE.
Emily Thompson?
Emily used the serger to quickly gather the top edge of the skirt. Successful gathering on the serger is easy when you know the tricks. I have a standard recipe for maximum gathers on the serger. Follow these steps in the order listed and then test and adjust any or all of the settings to change the gathers:
- Use a tight needle tension, (loopers generally stay the same but may require slight adjustment to different fabrics.)
- Set machine for the highest number on the differential feed dial.
- Use the longest stitch length possible.
- Always trim a scant amount of fabric for the best stitch quality.
By the way, if you check out Emily's show notes for this segment you'll also find her instructions for sewing machine options for gathering.
You're sure to learn a lot when you watch both of these 1500 series segments! You'll find show #1511 online for free at www.itsseweasytv.com until noon EST, December 7th, 2018.