You’re going to love her “burrito” method for finishing the jacket with a partial lining. Easy, neat, and oh so clever, I’ve never heard this called burrito style sewing but if the term fits, stitch it! Her step by step instructions will have you mastering this technique in no time flat. CLICK HERE and you’ll find a PDF of her instructions, which include graphics to help you along the way. You can purchase the featured Bespoke Blazer as a digital download on Lindsey's website.
I must say that watching her press with my favorite steam iron, the Reliable Velocity Vapor Generator iron, made me think I need to get some Dritz Thermal thimbles. That steam came awful close to her fingers! Has anyone reading this used these, or do you have another product for keeping fingers from contact with hot steam from an iron? I can’t believe I’ve gone all these years without some sort of protection while pressing intricate items during construction. Guess I’ve been fortunate. If you have any other ideas for keeping fingers protected while steaming and pressing small items, I’d love to hear your thoughts.