If you’re anything like me you will be itching to stitch after seeing the handbag samples Kay displayed on the show. While the focus is on creating quality handles, you are sure to pick up many other helpful tips. After watching you may even be tempted to put on a dress (Kay is known for her beautiful dresses), and then don a pair of dangling earrings and a sparkling necklace. Among her many talents, Kay is a jewelry designer as well!
Thank goodness people like Michelle are out there to motivate us to up-cycle and give new life to old things. Her eclectic ideas for reusing men’s shirts are very stylish. They will either inspire you to re-style shirts hanging in the back of the closet, or shop for some thrift store finds to work into your own wearable art. Add a feminine touch with a pin, appliqué, scarf, etc., and you’ll forget that the garment you're wearing once hung in a men’s department somewhere.
With that in mind, before I go I have an easy question for you. Would you be interested in some online classes for learning how to make a variety of perfect pockets? Please leave your yes or no answer in the comments and tell me if you would like to add this skill to your sewing repertoire. Feel free to contact me if you have specific requests.
Ready to go and watch the show? It currently airs online until January 19th at 12PM EST. CLICK HERE and enjoy!