As a true fan of this classic color combo it didn't take much to get me going. A pretty pattern from Folkwear inspired the blouse you see here.
Straight sleeves and front and back yokes are an opportunity for rows of added embroidery.
For those who wish to skip the embroidery altogether, a fashionable choice would be Indo Batiks rayon batik like the fabric used for my Beautiful Batik Shawl on the cover of Wrapped in Embroidery.

- Trace off the front/back yoke pattern and cut an oversized piece of fabric. Create a repeat border pattern and stabilize fabric with fibrous water-soluble. Stitch front and back yoke designs with a narrow border hoop for best results.
- Cut an oversized piece for the sleeve and stitch borders in the same manner as the yokes. Be sure to add enough motifs to cover most of the sleeve and then use the pattern to cut the sleeves to size. Tip: DiME Target Stickers are a wonderful substitute for chalk and pen marks. You can use a ruler to line them up in a straight line and then align the cross hairs with the template grid for precision placement.
- Embroider circles to create ruffles, hem ruffle edges, and insert into the front and back yoke seams.
- Finish the blouse following the pattern instructions and you'll be wearing your beautiful blouse in no time flat!