In this issue my friend Reen Wilcoxson has an article (and a FREE Design download) for her ever-popular In-The-Hoop cord wraps. Speaking of friends, Marie Zinno wrote detailed steps in her Hemline to Hipline article so you could embroider your own designer jeans. In her continuing T-Shirt saga Denise Holguin has done it again . . . taken a plain T-shirt and added a Bright Idea to turn a top into work of art!
I'm happy to call three of these ladies friends. I know firsthand that they each love sharing their ideas and instructions so you can put them into practice and make pretty things with your own personal embroidery machine!
Personally, I consider it an honor to write for this magazine! Each issue features innovative ideas and includes something for everyone who is interested in embellishing with machine embroidery. The September/October issue is so full of beautiful pieces and fun projects that I'm tempted to write a review of the entire magazine! However, time and space are short so today I'll just hit some highlights and give you a few tips to complement the dress article I contributed for V106.

This makes the whole hooping process easier as you are not struggling with a large expanse of fabric.

Feel free to leave comments and questions. I'd love to know if you have embroidered continuous connected designs with your embroidery machine! Was your placement perfect or do you still need help with this technique?