Beth shared her own personal sewing journey and told us how she actually did not like sewing at all when she initially started in school, and how she ended up being passionate about piecing quilts. We talked about many ways to get started with quilting and continue advancing your skills with tips, tricks, & tools. She showed us inspirational samples and gave us a peek into classes offered in person for those who are near the shop, and online offerings for everyone else interested in sewing new and fun projects.
Quilts and Lace Class schedule:
Quilts and Lace Class descriptions:
Top quilting books for "newbies" and those looking for easy to sew quilt patterns:
Eleanor Burns Quilt in a Day - Log Cabin Quilt
Eleanor Burns Quilt in a Day - Snowball Quilt
Quilting with a walking foot and a Dynamic Walking foot:
CLICK HERE for a tip sheet on the Walking foot.
CLICK HERE for more info on Dynamic Walking foot.
Using Mary Ellen's Best Press Spray to pre-treat fabrics for sewing.
Beth's favorite tool for finishing bias binding:
CutRight Bind Up tool.
Beth's favorite quilt pattern, her "signature" spiral quilt from the book titled: Quilts Without Corners.
Another favorite: One Block Wonder
Ideas for Creating Quilt Labels can be found in the posts below:
Sewing with Tiny Fonts (On the Embroidery side of the machine)
Stitching Multiple Lines of Built-in Lettering (On the sewing side of the machine)
Interested in any of the classes and products mentioned on the show? Connect with Quilts and Lace via the following links:
- Website:
- Facebook Page:
- YouTube channel:

Throughout the years, I have had many jobs that I believe contributed the bits and pieces that prepared me for owning a quilt store. Hard to fathom that my first job out of college selling switches for Micro Switch of Honeywell to other sales positions, being a wife, mother of two, substitute teaching, volunteering in the community to most recently working at quilt stores led me to have, I believe, a few of the skills needed to owning a business!
I knew that I loved to teach and appreciated the variety and challenges that happen every day at a sewing store. Because of this and due to the joy I receive when working with people, learning constantly about fabrics, notions, social media, computers and how to use the sewing, quilting and embroidery machines, I decided to write a business plan. I found that developing ideas for how I would manage a quilt store very exciting. A wonderful series of events led to me working at the same store I now own. Through the guidance and support of the previous owners, I purchased Quilts and Lace on November 22, 2016 and became the new owner of Sweet Time Quilting LLC DBA Quilts and Lace!